This June, Dr. Foster will be passing along wisdom from native ancestors through her series Walking on the Wind: Teachings for Harmony and Balance. Each week, there will be a teaching about key traditions and philosophies that have guided the Cherokee for many years.
It is an honor and a privilege to receive these teachings as there are few Aniwondi Cherokee people left to pass them on. Sessions are held on Thursdays 6:30 - 7:30 from June 2 - 30. The cost for each session is a $25 offering.

Dr. Foster will discuss Mother Earth and the unity of mind, body, and spirit on June 9. In this session, we will learn about the Four Gates of clarity, openness, strength and wisdom and that every breath is a gift.
In the third session on June 16, the Rule of Acceptance, we learn about giving thanks and to inquire and listen to our sacred stream of consciousness and connectedness. We will learn what it is to discern the difference in knowing something and feeling something.
On June 23, we learn about the Guides of Spiritual and Natural Laws. We will end the series on June 30 with We Are One, where we gain an understanding of respect, rights, and responsibilities.
Feel free to download this flyer and pass along to anyone you would like. The sessions build upon each other and it is recommended that you commit to attending them all to receive the full benefit.
Walking on the Wind: Teachings for Harmony and Balance
Shannon McQuade, LCSW
on behalf of Dr. Nancy Long Foster, APRN, PhD